Frequently Asked Questions

Where will I get my users submitted form information?

When you will create a form inside the system with some basic fields like First Name, Last Name, Email, Phone, etc.

and your users will submit that form to contact you, at that same time the system will automatically create a lead/contact for that user. Sometimes,

you may need to collect additional information like their hobby, or business description.

Open contact card

Please, navigate to the ‘Database’ on the left side menu.

Select the concerned contact that you want to check the submitted form.

Navigate to the form activity

After opening that contact's contact card, you will see this 'Form' tab in the middle of the page. Under the Form tab, you will see all submitted forms of that contact.

View form data

Please, click on the ‘Eye’ icon to view the data.

Where to find the form URL and embed code?

System forms can be embedded into third-party websites using an embed code that is generated in the system.

You can also include a link to your form in your emails, SMS, social media posts, and the likes to gain traffic to your forms.

Open the form in the form builder

Please, navigate to the forms section, and open the concerned form in the form builder.

Collect the form URL

After opening the form in the form builder, on the top right corner, you will get the live link of the form

Steps to get the form embed code

Open the tacks

Please, navigate to the tack by clicking on the ‘Tacks’ button on the left side menu

Collect the form embed code

On the tacks list page, you will get all the available tacks with forms. Each track item has a link icon on the left side of the title.

Please, click on the link icon to get all the integration code

My Lead collecting form is making duplicate contacts.

When you build a form inside the system with standard fields like Firstname, Lastname, Email, Phone to collect your users/clients information, this form is called a lead collecting form. And you are also allowed to add more fields as per your requirements.

When your users submit this form, the System will automatically create a contact/lead under your account. Sometimes, if your users submit this form multiple times,

the system will duplicate contacts for each submission event. To prevent this duplication, you need to create a flow attached to your lead collecting form.

Add the ‘Lookup Contact’ step

Please, add the ‘Lookup Contact’ step under the ‘CRM’ section to your flow.

Configure the step

You can use various contact fields for the lookup condition

You can set multiple fields as conditions by clicking the ‘Add Field’ icon

Please, don’t use ‘Contact ID’ as the lookup option. This field is always unique for each contact.

You can set the relation between conditions

Finally, save the step settings, connect all the steps, and publish the flow.

When someone fills out my lead collecting form, how can I get a notification email?

Add the ‘Email Send’ step

Under the ‘Messaging’ section, you will get the ‘Send Email’ step

The system will allow you to configure that step

Options to get notification

Please, select the ‘Custom Email’ option in the ‘Who Do You Want To Send This Email To?’ dropdown.

The system will allow you to add a custom email.

Add contact owner as ‘CC’/’BCC’

Click on the ‘Advanced’ toggle. The system will allow you to add the ‘CC’ and ‘BCC’ address to get a notification

 Load the email builder

Please, click on the email step and navigate to the ‘Edit Email’ button.

Add the dynamic fields

The system will load the email building editor. Now, click on the ‘Insert Merge Field’ to add the dynamic fields.

Add the connected form’s dynamic field on the email builder, and design the template as per your requirement.

After clicking on any dynamic field, the system will automatically copy the field in the clipboard. Then you only need to paste the field data on the required position.

Finally, save the settings and ‘save and publish’ the flow.

Please, check the opt-in status of the connected form.

How to rename an existing form?

Open form pannel

Navigate to the form builder by clicking the “Database” on the left side menu.

Then when you have the database page open you will see a link to “Forms” on the top of your page, please click that.

Open the concerned form in the form builder

Please, click on the ‘Edit’ button (Pencil Icon) of the concerned form, and the system will open that form in the form builder.

 Save the form

When you are in the edit mode in the form builder, you have the dedicated save button to save the form.

Rename the form name

After clicking on the save button, the system will display a popup box. Here you can change the initial/last name of the form.

How to redirect my users to another link after the form submission?

Steps to add redirect URL

Open your form

Navigate to the form builder by clicking the “Database” on the left side menu. Then when you have the database page open you will see a link to “Forms” on the top of your page, please click that. Please, open your concerned form.

Open the Setting options

Please, click on the Settings icon on the top-left corner of the screen.

Set the redirect URL

Select the dropdown ‘What happens after the form is submitted?’

And choose the ‘Redirect to another URL’ option

Finally, save the form to make the changes effective.

Save the flow

Please, click on the ‘Save’ button after adding the redirect URL

How to create a Purchase Form?

What is a Purchase Form?

This system has a lot of features. One of the amazing features is that you can sell your products.

 For selling products, you need to create a form that will hold your products and card information.

 And this form is called a Purchase form. You can embed this purchase form on any page of your website.

Steps to create a purchase form

Add products

Load product builder

Navigate to the product builder by clicking the “Payments” on the left side menu. Then when you have the database page open you will see a link to “Products” on the top of your page, please click that.

Open product editor

Please, click on the ‘Add Product’ button to create products.

Create a New Form

Load the Form Builder

Navigate to the form builder by clicking the “Database” on the left side menu.

Then when you have the database page open you will see a link to “Forms” on the top of your page, please click that.

Open form editor

Please, click on the ‘Create Form’ button to add a new form. Under the 'Advance' panel, you will get the 'Purchase' component, allowing you to add products and payment information.

Add products

On the right sidebar, Under the 'Products' tab, please click on the dropdown to get the list of your existing products.

Configure products

Under the config tab, you will get various options to control your purchase form

How to Create a Purchase form?

How to set signature in Form?

You can follow below guidelines to add signature box into your form:

1. Go to Form Builder

2. Open Advance Tab from Left Sidebar 

3. Under Advance Tab select Signature Field and Drag and Drop into your desired location

How To Copy An Existing Form?

Open form panel

Navigate to the form builder by clicking the “Database” on the left side menu.

 Then when you have the database page open you will see a link to “Forms” on the top of your page, please click that.

Copy existing form

Please, click on the ‘Copy’ button of the concerned form, and the system will make a duplicate copy of the existing form.

How to redirect the user to another form after booking an appointment?

Change the flow trigger.

Please, open the flow editor and click on the right hamburger icon

If you have existing triggers, you can remove them

And you can add a new trigger by clicking the ‘plus’ icon

The system will show you all the available triggers inside the System. Under the ‘CRM’ tab, you will get the ‘Meeting Scheduled’ trigger.

Please, select and save the setting.

Now, you will see the ‘Meeting Scheduled’ as the trigger

 Add the ‘Redirect Visitor to URL’ step

You will get the ‘Redirect Visitor to URL’ step under the logic section

Here, you can pass the form link on the thank you page link.

Please, save an publish the flow.

How to Rename Form

In this Article we will learn how we can Rename a created from.

1. First of all you have to go to your list of form section by following the steps in the below screenshot.

2.Then you will select your form you want to rename. By following the step show in screenshot.

3.If you want any changes in your form do that when they are done then save you form. 

4.When you clicked on save button then a popup will open in that popup you can rename the form.

5. At the end you can see your updated form name in the form list.

How to change currency in forms?

1. First you have to click on the Contact tab from the most left side.

2. In top of your screen you have Forms Tab, Now click on this.

3. When you click on Form you have a new option Custom Forms, In Custom Forms You have your Own Forms.

4. When you click on your Form Name appearing a new window, click on the Setting Tab.

5. Click Currency text field and Set Currency which you set for your account.

6. Save your setting your process is complete.

Maverick Hyperflow