Frequently Asked Questions

How to Delete All Contacts?

1. Open contact list

2. Please, navigate to the ‘Database’ on the left side menu. You will get the list of all contacts

3. Select all contacts

4. Please, check the checkbox to select all contacts. After clicking the checkbox, the system will allow you the dropdown to select the ‘All’ option.

5. Delete contacts

6. After selecting all contacts, click on the ‘Delete’ button to delete all contacts

7. Please, confirm the delete process.

How to add tags for my Leads/Contacts by an automation flow?

💡 When you build a form inside your system with standard fields like First name, Last name, Email, and Phone to collect your users/client's information, this form is called a lead collecting form. And you are also allowed to add more fields as per your requirements.

💡 When your users submit this form, the System will automatically create a contact/lead under your account. Sometimes, if your users submit this form multiple times, the system will duplicate contacts for each submission event. To prevent this duplication, you need to create a flow attached to your lead collecting form.

1. Add the ‘Add/Remove Tag’ step

2. Please, add the ‘Add/Remove Tag’ step under the ‘Data Service’ section to your flow.

3. Configure the settings

4. Here you will get the option to Add and remove tag

💡 If you select the ‘Remove Tag’ option, the system will provide you a list of all the existing tags on the next dropdown element.

5. Finally, save the step settings, connect all the steps, and publish the flow.

How to add contacts with a tag to a flow?

1. Open contact list

2. Please, navigate to the ‘Database’ on the left side menu. You will get the list of all contacts

3. Select all contacts

4. Please, check the checkbox to select all contacts. After clicking the checkbox, the system will allow you the dropdown to select the ‘All’ option.

5. Filter contacts by tag/s

6. On the right side, you will get the option the feature to filter contacts by tags

7. Add contacts to a flow

8. After selecting all contacts, click on the ‘Add To Flow’ button to add all contacts to a flow

9. Select a flow

10. The system will allow you to choose the flow name.

11. Click the ‘Ok’ button to execute the flow.

How to check the opt-in status of your contact?

💡What does Opt-in Status means?

💡Opting in means the contact has given their consent to receive emails from your organization. They can still pick and choose the kind of messages they want to receive. Opting out means the contact has specifically denied their consent to receive emails from your organization.

 How to check opt-in status of your contact?

1. Go to Database
2. Search for Contact for which you want to check opt-in status
3. Click on Contact Name to see details
4. Under Additional details you can see all the opt-in statuses for this contact

5. When you click on Additional details you will see below details:

6. Here you can see all details for contact’s opting.

How to export all contacts/Leads?

1. Open contacts

2. Please, navigate to the ‘Database’ on the left menu bar.

3. Select all contacts

4. Please, select the first checkbox and select the ‘ALL’ option on the second dropdown.

5. Export Contacts

6. After selecting all contacts, please, click on the top ‘Export’ button to export all contacts

How to Import Contacts or Leads into your system?

Import Contacts or Leads into your System
You can import bulk contacts or leads into your system by using simple steps.
Follow below steps for bulk import:

Upload your Contacts as CSV
1. Go to Database
2. Click Import on top right side of page
3. You can download sample by clicking on Download Example CSV File Headers
4. Drag and Drop a file or click to upload your data file
5. Choose your option from dropdowns (What Do You Want To Upload?)
6. Click on Upload File

STEP 2: FIELD MAPPINGMap CSV file fields to contact fields
1. Choose your Opt-In Statuses
2. Contact Duplication Rule
Match by Email
By selecting this option your uploaded contacts will match with existing contacts in system by using email columns. And if email matched it means contact is already in system and new contact from your uploaded file will not be processed.
Match By Phone Number
By selecting this option your uploaded contacts will match with existing Phone Number in system by using Phone Number column. And if Phone Number matched it means contact is already in system and new contact from your uploaded file will not be processed.
Match by Email or Phone Number
By selecting this option your uploaded contacts will match with existing Email or Phone Number in system by using Email or Phone Number column. And if Phone Number or Email anyone of them is matched it means contact is already in system and new contact from your uploaded file will not be processed.
Match by Email and Phone Number
By selecting this option your uploaded contacts will match with existing Email and Phone Number in system by using Email and Phone Number column. And if Phone Number and Email both of them are matched it means contact is already in system and new contact from your uploaded file will not be processed.
No match, create new leads
By selecting this option your uploaded contacts will not match with existing contacts and create new contacts (you might get duplicates if contacts are already in the system)

Map the fields in your File to system fields

Map your fields according to the data in your uploaded file:

Once fields are mapped click on Submit.

Your file will be starting uploading and will take load time according to the number of rows.

Is there any way to remove contacts that are duplicated in the system?

Steps to remove duplicate contacts

Start building a contact flow

How to create a contact flow?

Add the ‘Lookup Contact’ step

Please, add the ‘Lookup Contact’ step under the ‘CRM’ section to your flow.

Configure the step

You can use various contact fields for the lookup condition

You can set multiple fields as conditions by clicking the ‘Add Field’ icon

Please, don’t use ‘Contact ID’ as the lookup option. This field is always unique for each contact.

You can set the relation between conditions

Set action field’s value

For the dropdown ‘Action to take when Contact Matched’, please select the value ‘Delete existing older contact and keep the newest contact’

Save the settings. Please connect all the steps, and publish the flow

Add all contacts to the flow


How to add tag to an individual contact?

Steps to add a tag to an individual contact

Please, navigate to the “Dashboard’ on the left menu bar and click on the ‘Contact’ on the top menu bar.

Please, open the contact and here, you can add tag to that contact

How to Change Contact Owner?

Change Contact Owner

1. First you have to navigate that user account to whom you want to change the Owner.

2. In Below screenshot you can seen the contact details we will change this contact owner.

3. Then hover on the owner name and it will show you the pencil icon click on that it will show you the dropdown having the Owner. From that you can select the desired one.

4. When you select the desired one then you owner will be changed

How to create a user as a team member?

Create a role

Please, navigate to the ‘Settings’ on the left menu bar. Once the page is opened, please click on the ‘Role’ menu on the top bar.

Please, click on the ‘Create New Role’ button to create a role

Please, provide the access as per your requirements

No need for this step if you want to provide users with full access to your account. Please use the ‘Default Role - All Access’ .

Create a contact for your user (optional)

Please, create a contact for the user if you don’t have that already. Please, click on the ‘Database’ menu on the left menu bar. Once the page is loaded, click on the ‘Create Contact/User’ button.

You can ignore this step if you have an existing contact already.

Create the system user

Please, open the contact you want to convert as a team member. On the contact card, you will have the option to create a system user.

Assign, password, role, etc. for that contact.

Please, choose the correct role and save the settings.

How to select all contacts?

Open contact list

Please, navigate to the ‘Database’ on the left side menu. You will get the list of all contacts

Select all contacts

Please, check the checkbox to select all contacts. After clicking the checkbox, the system will allow you the dropdown to select the ‘All’ option.

 Add contacts to a flow

After selecting all contacts, click on the ‘Add To Flow’ button to add all contacts to a flow

Select a flow

The system will allow you to choose the flow name.

Click the ‘Ok’ button to execute the flow

How to export users’ submitted form data?

Please, navigate to the ‘Dashboard’ on the left menu bar.

Please, select all contacts

Select all contacts and click on the ‘Export’ button

Here you can choose the ‘Form Submission’ option

You can only export data in the CSV format now

Maverick Hyperflow